Universidad Azteca on the international level, is listed with the WHED World Higher Education Database, and the International Association of Universities under the list of universities of Mexico and the International Handbook of official directory Universities of recognised universities. WHED number:  IAU-017248

According to Mexican Higher Education regulations Universidad Azteca is authorised to offer higher education and award degrees with national recognition RVOE as well as own academic and professional higher degrees of the university (grados propios) in accordance with the Mexican Qualifications Framework MMC (almost identical to EQF).

Official notification of the Registry of Educational Establishments, 9 April 1999, No. 15-00084: registered in the first section of the Book 71-VIII of Educational Institutions, on page 129, as a Private Institution with Recognition of the Official Validity of Studies, awarded by the General Directorate of Higher Education of the Sub-Secretary of Higher Education and Scientific Research of the Secretary of Public Education SEP.

Based on the Decree of the Registry of Educational Establishments, 9 April 1999, No. 15-00084: the Educational Institution has an authorization to conduct studies of the type “Superior”; the Educational Centre can award titles and degrees in conformity with those established in Article 60 of the General Law of Education and 18 of the Law for the Coordination of Higher Education. According the Mexican Higher Education laws Universidad Azteca is authorised to award degrees with official professional recognition and validity and own academic and professional higher degrees of the university.

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